LOGOS Prison Ministries

Previously Prisoners Bible Institute

Prison ministry since 1978, where “The CROSS is the KEY!”


Our Mission

We are committed to bringing the Good News of the transforming power of God to those incarcerated. That power is found through faith in His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. We believe the cross of Christ is the key to set these men and women free from the chains of sin that keep them bound. Through Jesus, there is hope of a brighter future in this life, and in the life to come.

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Our Programs



Three day weekend revivals are held multiple times per year at prison units across Texas.


We help find volunteers to become mentors for recently released inmates.


 Bible Studies & Church Services

Many prison units provide the opportunity to hold church services or Bible studies on a weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly basis.

Material Goods Donations

Craft supplies, new Bibles, library books, devotional literature, and hygiene supplies for indigent inmates can often be donated through a prison unit’s chaplain.


Inmate Correspondence

Our tenured volunteers may participate in both Bible and general correspondence with inmates across Texas.

Equipment and Supplies Donations

Chaplain’s are often in need of equipment and supplies, such as computers, projectors, speakers, printers, paper and ink/toner.


Volunteer opportunities

We are in constant need of volunteers to help facilitate our mission. Whether you would like to join us in a weekend revival, mentor recently released inmates, or just find out more about the ministry, you can contact us at the link below, and we will be more than happy to provide you with more information.

Make a Donation

LOGOS is sustained by the gifts of those who believe in our mission, and share our vision for reaching souls with the Gospel of Christ. Please consider contributing financially through one-time or monthly donations.